Top 20 NuGet dependencyinjection Packages

Exposes some AOP (Aspect Oriented Programming) extensions which help registering and resolving proxies instead of concrete implementations through Microsoft built-in container with the main purpose of providing lazy loading/instantiation of resources.
Exposes dependency injection factories.
Provides an attribute and decryption service for encrypted configuration options that are injected into AWS Lambdas.
Sets Lambdajection projects up to support custom runtimes.
Includes interfaces and runtime support classes for writing Lambdajection-backed Custom Resources using Dependency Injection.
A fast, easy to use and lightweight IOC container
Autofac implementation of the interfaces in Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection.Abstractions, the .NET Framework dependency injection abstraction. This package allows you to used in .NetStandard1.6, .NetStandard 2.0 and .NET Framework 4.6.1.
With EFCore.DbContextFactory you can resolve easily your DbContext dependencies in a safe way injecting a factory instead of an instance itself, enabling you to work in multi-thread contexts with Entity Framework Core or just work safest with DbContext following the Microsoft recommendations about t...
Provides a convenient way to run async tasks with proper callback and exception handling. This is especially useful when running async code from the UI context (e.g. WPF). Supports parallel Tasks, Cancellation as well as Dependency Injection.
Armature dependency injection framework, provides fluent syntax and syntax sugar over Armature.Core framework
Includes the compile-time generator used to generate code needed for Dependency Injection-enabled AWS Lambdas.
Includes attributes needed for writing AWS Lambdas using Dependency Injection.
Includes templates for creating Lambdajection projects and components.
Runtime package store layer for Lambdajection.
Dependency Injection support for Slack.Webhooks nuget. For details, please refer the project README file on GitHub. NetCore:
Microsoft DependencyInjection support for of MicroBus
AutofacOnFunctions let you easily use the brilliant Autofac capabilities in Azure Functions V2
Plugin for Autofac enabling decoration of multiple keyed services (Autofac.Features.Indexed.IIndex<K,V>)
A library provides attributes and utilities to build a dependency injection container using class attributes.