Top 20 NuGet dependencyinjection Packages

With EF.DbContextFactory you can resolve easily your DbContext dependencies in a safe way injecting a factory instead of an instance itself, enabling you to work in multi-thread contexts with Entity Framework or just work safest with DbContext following the Microsoft recommendations about the DbCont...
With EF.DbContextFactory you can resolve easily your DbContext dependencies in a safe way injecting a factory instead of an instance itself, enabling you to work in multi-thread contexts with Entity Framework or just work safest with DbContext following the Microsoft recommendations about the DbCont...
Ludicrously lightweight dependency wrapper/provider to improve testability of classes that use dependencies that aren't easily mockable (e.g. System.DateTime).
Add to AspNetCore projects only, adds ability to insert RegistrationAttribute types to IServiceCollection.
`IServiceCollection` extensions for using `UoN.VersionInformation` with .NET Core Dependency Injection.
With EF.DbContextFactory you can resolve easily your DbContext dependencies in a safe way injecting a factory instead of an instance itself, enabling you to work in multi-thread contexts with Entity Framework or just work safest with DbContext following the Microsoft recommendations about the DbCont...
Dependency injection library for .NET applications.
Scheduler Quartz.NET for .NET Standard 2.0 - Autofac job factory and module
A library for easy setup of IoC/Dependency injection for Umbraco with LightInject (compatible with Umbraco Cloud)
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
AopCaching - A aop cache library, that does not intrude on existing project code. Support memory and redis.
Scheduler Quartz.NET for .NET Standard 2.0 - ServiceProdiver job factory
Enables dependency injection to be easily used with the Service Fabric Reliable Services model.
Enables dependency injection to be easily used with the Service Fabric Actor model.
Unit of Work and Repository Pattern base for nHibernate projects.
A featherweight dependency injector.