Top 20 NuGet dependencyinjection Packages

Injectify implementation using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection package.
Injectify implementation using Autofac package.
Ninject based factory for Jessica, a micro web framework.
StructureMap based factory for Jessica, a micro web framework.
Dependency Injection wrapper using Ninject
MvcBlanket integration to Castle Windsor
Support for Griffin.Container
Autofac dependencies loader (by configuration)
A simple Inversion of Control library for performing service location and dependency injection.
Thin Di Abstraction implemented with Ninject
Castle Windsor plugin for FeatureSwitcher
MR.AttributeDI's plugin for Microsoft's IServiceCollection.
The ServiceBridge library contains shared classes for service registration and service resolution to provides an abstraction over IoC containers.
This library integrates ServiceBridge with ASP.NET MVC 5 controllers.
This library provides extension to integration ServiceBridge with WCF services.
This library integrates ServiceBridge with ASP.NET web pages and user controls.
This library integrates ServiceBridge with ASP.NET WebApi 5 controllers.
ServiceBridge implementation for Unity container.
This library contains interceptors for service interception.