Top 20 NuGet dependencyinjection Packages

This library integrate ServiceBridge with MassActivation for StructureMap implementation.
This library integrate ServiceBridge with MassActivation for Unity container.
ServiceBridge.Interception implementation for Unity container.
ServiceBridge implementation for Castle Windsor.
This library integrate ServiceBridge with MassActivation for Castle Windsor implementation.
ServiceBridge.Interception implementation for Castle Windsor.
IocServiceStack is a open source .NET dependency injection framework. It supports multi-service communication through multi-level dependency injection. This clearly separates the concerns of application layers, and makes the layers configurable and it offers several ways to inject dependencies. Chec...
Extension to Ninject.Extensions.AutoBinding.Web that adds support for Ninject.Web.Common scopes
dependency reject for method.
Enterlib.NETis library that can be usefull for developing back-end applications. It was initially designed as the back-end support forandroid applications builtwith Enterlib Android, another member of the Enterlib suite.Enterlib.NETprovides several advantages byusing a SOLID component's architecture...
Adapter for DryIoc to integrate with Mugen MVVM Toolkit
A Simple attribute based DI mapper for dotnet core.
Autofac implementation for OWIN IoC container adapter
ASP.NET Web API adapter for OWIN IoC container adapter
Xamarin Android DI support and reactive programing support and Lifecycle management support.
CodeArt.DependencyInjection is a .NET Library that adds extra functionality (such as decorator pattern) to the DI container used in ASP.NET 5 projects
A library for easy setup of IoC/Dependency injection for Umbraco with Autofac
If you are in love with a lean ConfigureService method into your startup class but you ahve tons of packages/services to register, that's your solution.