Top 20 NuGet dependency Packages

ASP.NET Boilerplate - Core Module - MVC
The di4js module is dependency injection implementation in JavaScript. Dependency injection is a software design pattern that allows the removal of hard-coded dependencies and makes it possible to change them. di4js is free software distributed under the terms of MIT License (MIT) and can be used wi...
A library that I use to provide dependency resolution for MVC4 sites. Uses StructureMap.
ASP.NET Boilerplate - Core Module - Infrastructure - EntityFramework
IMPORTANT: This package is not used anymore. Use package.
Envelop is a simple to use Dependency Injection and Inversion of Control container
This package will add the reference to MEF with the Copy Local flag set to false.
Dead Simple dependency mechanism provider to achieve loose coupling and easy mocking.
Repository Service EF6 with UnitOfWork now with IQueryable and List features
Makes Use of Repository.Services in MVC5 and Microsoft Unity for dependency injection.
Repository Pattern For Frankstein
Mini IoC container.
Adds support for dependency injection to AsyncInit. Supported Platforms: * .NET Framework 4 * Silverlight 4 * Windows 8 * Windows Phone Silverlight 7.1 * Windows Phone 8.1 * Xamarin.Android * Xamarin.iOS * Portable Class Libraries
Adds asynchronous capabilities to the Unity Container. Supported Platforms: * .NET Framework 4.5 * Windows 8 * Windows Phone Silverlight 8 * Windows Phone 8.1 * Xamarin.Android * Xamarin.iOS * Portable Class Libraries
Dependency Injection Container
Una libreria de soporte para el desarrollo web, basandose en entity framework y Castle Core
TypeC IS Simple dependency resolver that supports code as well as congiruation based type mapping. TypeC also support generics.
T4WebFormsInjection is a T4 template that generates parameterless constructors to be used with constructor injection.
An inversion of control class for attaching constructor methods to interface types
Simple Dependency Resolver for DuoCode projects