Top 20 NuGet datetime Packages
Defined calendars examples using ThisDate. Buildable event and holiday calendar by calendar patterns. DateTime extensions. IsWorkday(), AddWorkdays(), time rounding, IsLastWeekMonth(), get the 3rd Thursday of November (US Thanksgiving) and more.
C# DateTime wrapper for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
C# DateTime wrapper for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
C# DateTime wrapper for Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection
Service for providing, converting, and faking date times.
Core utility functions for datetime formater
It is well known that DateTime.Now is often used inappropriately. For example, it may be used together with TimeSpan to produce a task's timeout point or subtracted from another DateTime to calculate a duration. This can cause subtle bugs because DateTime is not monotonic: the system clock can cha...
Inject DateTime values for better manipulation and testing
This static class converts time to spoken time in Dutch.
- 23:59 will be translated to "een voor twaalf".
- 00:15 will be translated to "kwart over twaalf".
- 09:27 will be translated to "drie voor half tien".
A simple collection of reusable code. String, DateTime and Serialization helpers and extentions.
Provides conversion of DateTime and DateTimeOffset into an epoch-relative number value (total seconds).
See Unix Epoch in Wikipedia for more information on why this might be needed.
Typical uses include using this simplified representation as an expiration time for a token, password or verifi...
xUnit Tests for netfx-System.DateTimeEpochExtensions
Working with dates and time in .NET works great, but I feel it could be more natural to work with them. new DateTime(2000, 6, 3) is less natural than 3.June(2000), isn't it?
Extensions methods to System namespace classes and some new types like: DayMonth, MonthYear, Range<T>, pt-br Wordfier, Holiday Calculators with Easter calculation and so on. Fork me on github!
A library for parsing relative dates, such as "1 hour from now" and "2 weeks ago".
A testable alternative to DateTime.Now
Package Description
A javascript library for easily translating a UTC time to a "Wall Time" for a particular time zone and back.
This dll contains a class named PersianDateTime which persian developers can use instead of System.DateTime structure. This class also contains most of the methods and properties of the conventional DateTime structure such as DateTime.Now and DateTime.TimeOfDay.