Top 20 NuGet datetime Packages

NTimeAgo makes it easy to support automatically updating fuzzy timestamps (e.g. "4 minutes ago" or "about 1 day ago"). This is essentially a re-implementation of jQuery TimeAgo
.Net Dev Utils
Provides formulas for all US actual / observed federal / stock market holidays.
A set of classes that makes easier to work with date differences and periods
Library meant to provide easy abstraction and mockability for common .NET classes (e.g., DateTime, File, Environment).
A collection of extension methods supplementing a variety of classes in the .NET Framework.
A library of fluent utility extensions for System.DateTime
Returns current DateTime using Network Time Protocol.
Returns current DateTime using Network Time Protocol.
РИКРОП Framework.
Windows To Moment.js Timezone Coverter
Extension methods for .Net classes
A simple way to mock the behavior of DateTime in unit tests
A datetime picker that allows for timezone selection as well.
A datetime picker that allows for timezone selection as well.
A datetime picker that allows for timezone selection as well.
.NET types extensions.
Replace DateTime.Now and DateTime.Today with a call to unit testable SystemTime
Library for displaying DateTime values respecting users browser time zone.