Top 20 NuGet datetime Packages
+ Cryptography Helper
+ String Helper
+ Vietnamese currency reader
+ DateTimeHelper
+ File Helper
+ Enum Helper
Tools for working with Date time in C#
Helper class library with methods and extensions that makes working with DateTime object easier and more efficient
A natural language date parser for .Net. A port of Ruby's chronic.
Extensions for standard .NET types like string, DateTime ...
(RemoveDiacritics, SafeTrim, ...)
A natural language date parser for .Net. A port of Ruby's chronic.
Converts a data type to another data type, smarter than the standard Convert class, including collections and their items as well as object properties (duck typing). With special support for DateTime conversions.
A jack of all trades and master of none.
UtilitySharp provides helper classes with useful and powerful methods for things such as strings, datetimes, randomness, and numbers so you don’t have to reinvent the wheel. As such, UtilitySharp strives to be the one library that you will always download fo...
Randomizer.NET is .NET library to generate random values of predefined types.
Tools and extensions to the .Net framework.
A set of extension methods that can be used to facilitate the manipulation of date and time solving common dev problems.
a collection of my useful extension methods.
Common utility methods for .NET projects
Good functionalities, such as:
FriendlyTimeSpan: Transforming the TimeSpan of the difference between an x DateTime and now into a friendly text. E.g. "00:00:04" = "4 minutes ago" or “00:05:32” = “5 hours ago”. (So far it is available in English, Chinese, Spanish and Swedish.)
Futhermore is including...
This package allows you to find the season for a certain date
Provides a testable abstraction and alternative to DateTime.Now / DateTime.UtcNow
jQuery plugin with a datetime picker, date picker and time picker, all in one.
Helpers for counting working days and holidays. Includes working days exceptions for Russia.
Unix time stamp converter for Json.NET
MomentJs comes to C#!
This library is meant to bring some missing functions to .Net's DateTime object and emulate MomentJs