Top 20 NuGet datetime Packages

Extensions pack for Variel Creatives
DateTimeComparer helps comparison of DateTime instances within a desired precision. Sometimes ticks is just too granular!
Date time Helper
Rrs.DateTimes Class Library
A C# library to use PersianCalendar as easy as DateTime
This package contains functions used on string. most of theose VbFunctions not included by default in c# Like the IsNumeric, Space, Right, Left, etc. Its has basic function for Sha1, MD5 Sha512
It hides DateTime under interface so it can be used in the unit tests and it tears dependency on the DateTime.Now
Extension methods for DateTime.
A fluent library of wonderful extensions and utilities that can make your code short and clean.
Utilities and extensions for DateTime and DateTimeOffset. Handles daylightsaving issues and more. Based on NodaTime
panda datetime extensions for .net core
This package contains commonly used functions for manipulating date and time.
Package Description
This project verify holidays national, by locale. Actually the supported locale is: -pt-Br; -en-Us. This package is a update from WorldHolidays. All fix. All tests.
Helper Extensions