Top 20 NuGet date Packages

Contains shared dll's and helpers for common .net tasks .
Defined calendars examples using ThisDate. Buildable event and holiday calendar by calendar patterns. DateTime extensions. IsWorkday(), AddWorkdays(), time rounding, IsLastWeekMonth(), get the 3rd Thursday of November (US Thanksgiving) and more.
This is library for working with Date and it's instead of System.DateTime when need Jalali date in .net applications.
Modern Xamarin Forms Calendar that is both interactive and also fits well with only two weeks showing.
Service for providing, converting, and faking date times.
A collection of functions to split and merge periods of time
Helper method and class for support ASP.NET Core Options pattern in GranDen.TimeLib.ClockShaft library
Inject DateTime values for better manipulation and testing
A WPF control to provide a human-friendly way to select a date range.
This is a .Net Wrapper for Javascript library.
Generate Name Address City ZipCode Color and a lot more (Current Languages: NL BE US)
NotAClue Dynamic Data Custom FieldTemplates for Uploading Files, Images, Selecting from a set of images and Ajax Date Picker.
This source-only package provides an abstraction for System.DateTime that is mockable
Define a working week of shift patterns and perform date calculations on it.
Working with dates and time in .NET works great, but I feel it could be more natural to work with them. new DateTime(2000, 6, 3) is less natural than 3.June(2000), isn't it?
A library for working with intervals and sets. Includes a generic interface so that intervals of any type may be created.
This is a simple class inspired by the class written by Kelsey on StackOverflow ( that returns a relative date similar to what you can see for example on Twitter. I just added a resource file and localized it for Persian language; no more!
Converting Persian date to Gregorian and Islamic date and vice versa in Silverlight applications.
Adds enhanced functionality for parsing, formatting, and manipulating dates to scalable JavaScript application (based on great Adam Shaw's XDate library).
A javascript library for easily translating a UTC time to a "Wall Time" for a particular time zone and back.