Top 20 NuGet dapper Packages

Trivial micro-orm implemented on Dapper, provides with CRUD helpers.
Library lets to build sql queries for Dapper in a declarative manner by using criteria classes with attributes applied to thier properties
Library for work with database using dapper. Including table variables and PersistenceBase class
A blatant ripoff of Dapper's SqlBuilder. Use me to easily build parameterized dynamic sql. Parameter buildup intended for use with Dapper.
A ScriptCS scriptpack to support Dapper
DapperPoco is a reflection driven SQL generator that wraps the popular Dapper ORM framework. With DapperPoco you just create your POCO objects, decorate them, and use them; no writing SQL statements unless absolutely necessary.
Dapperer an extension for Dapper
dapper for identity
Repository wrapper for dapper
A lightweight ORM based on Dapper and DapperExtensions.
Simple SQLite and Dapper key store (was Rn.KeyStore) - this is a drop in solution for working with persistent data in your projects.
Dapper auto generated repository extension
Port of dapper-dot-net to node.js
Facade of Dappers DynamicParameters class to facilitate unit testing.
MySql for Dapper.Extensions.Linq
SqlCe for Dapper.Extensions.Linq
SQLite for Dapper.Extensions.Linq
A CRUD wrapper for Dapper. In order to use it, you'll need a provider; Jaunty.SqlClient or Jaunty.PgSql