Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Templates to use when creating an h5 based- application.
Utility classes for general pourposes. Includes: - DeepCopy: Copy the values of one object into another. - GenericEquals : test if 2 instances are the same object. - GenericMapper : map one clase A into another class B. - RandomFiller : Fill a class property randomly. - Date: A s...
Library for easing tasks of reading, editing, and saving settings (key/value pairs or whole files).
This is a wrapper around the existing Galen framework for Layout Testing.
Http Sender Tool
1. fetches all the invalid links from PDF. 2. replaces all the special characters with their corresponding values in XML. *new Update*.
Package Description
Loggin library
Hyperion Abstraction library
Consul library
.Net Pow! Flags country flag icons/images css library and css flag library generation project. Generate your own flag library based on your projects needs using Iso country codes, Iso language codes, country names with sizes to suite your needs. Includes our Material Design Icons c# library we use f...
Pauses the program execution when an specified rate limit has been exceeded.
Package description
Zendesk Support API wrapper for C# .NET
This sdk help you to interact with PayU's APIs
Loki sink
Kuku is a simple open-source (MIT licensed) cuckoo hashing library developed by the Cryptography and Privacy Research group at Microsoft. Kuku is written in modern standard C++ and has no external dependencies, making it easy to compile and run in many different environments.
A list of extension methods for commonly used functionality
This package provides a wrapper type called Val which can be used for immutable bindings, such as for local variables, in C# and Visual Basic.