Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Thread-safe generic object pool helps sharing object instances among multiple threads. Large objects that are costly to create, state-full, not thread safe are difficult to use in mult-thread environment. This little, lightweight library will help share limited number of objects between many threads...
A series of utilities to ease networking as client, with the usage of asynccronous requests responses and coroutines. The documentation can be found on
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MiniToggle is a minimal feature toggle library designed to be simple and quick.
This package contains legacy types which is used for logging to facilitate migration from Orleans 1.x. It is recommended that you use the Microsoft.Extensions.Logging package and its infrastructure and associated providers directly if not upgrading any legacy ILogConsumer.
Magento is the most popular commerce platform in the world, with more than 250,000 merchants around the globe selling more and driving innovation. Magento2Wrapper is a C# library that simplifies the process of using the Magento2 Api's.
Translate your CSharp data classes to Typescript definitions.
A toolkit for building recursive-descent parsers
A small but growing C# library with useful .net extension methods
Package Description
Package Description
vBridge extends .NET's GUI capabilities by giving developers additional system features, and increases productivity by eliminating common boilerplate code.
Analyzers for .NET Compiler Platform ("Roslyn") - Validations of Composite Format String at compile-time. - Quick-fixes for Composite Format Strings. Requirement: - Vistual Studio 2015+ - .Net Framework 4.5+
TypeScript code generator, that generates TypeScript interfaces, classes and enums based on .NET types.
A WinRT wrapper for the SQLite library for Universal Windows Platform apps