Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

C# Process memory reader/writer
Maybe monad implementation for C# with query syntax support.
WebServices Dynamic
API Library for QuickCommander.
Graphical Controls for .NET console applications
Beginning C# and .NET Standard CardLib
This is an unofficial package wrapping Awesomium .Net wrapper into a nuget to ease up CI. And fix files not found on vs2017.
C# Animations based on actionscript "Tween" and "Motion" classes includes Robert Penner's easing functions Sample:
Data Structures for C#
A simple and lightweight TCP server library
Libreria portable de conexión a Web API para aplicaciones Xamarin.
Basic expression tree based rule engine for .net applications.
A .NET android Library that simplifies the process of preparing and setting up MediaPlayer.
Simplified sockets for client/server comunication