Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

C# .NET 2.0 library of application-agnostic formulae, widgets, data structures, and algorithms
Simit Model Data Annotations Library
Zener is an embeddable HTTP server with supporting logic. It handles loading resources and provides a set of APIs that allows your front-end code (such as JavaScript or Dart) to communicate with your back-end logic. Zener can simplify development and means you can use the same client↔server mindset ...
Simit Web MVC Application Extensions Library provides a KNX API for .NET, providing Tunneling and Routing connection modes.
The specification Pattern is a great way to validate complex business rules in Domain.
Enables basic C# animation of XAML controls
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A simple Singleton implementation of Log4Net Logger. Package will add required settings in web.config and add a folder Configuration at root, which will contain config for log4net. It also install Log4Net package. Once installed, we can use it by : CodeNode.Logging.Logger.Instance.Info("Message"...
This library has Active directory specific actions to find users, group on various search parametes. I have provided link of my blog as Project-Site and you can find complete details of library and code repository location of github from my blog.
This package is complete wrapper of ADO.NET and provide very easy access of all required functions in very efficient way. Kindly visit Project site for more code details. I covered a small blog targated to describe functionality of the package.
Library package for the Dropmysite API
This package contains very useful extension functions for multiple types ie. : strings, IEnumerable,list,enum,datatable,IQueryble. For code overview, please visit project site.
Object mapper with a focus on Entity Framework SQL projections to domain types
Library for handling and retrieving system icons.
Simit Web Localization Library
A liblinear and libsvm wrapper for .NET written in C++/CLI for maximum performance.
A liblinear and libsvm wrapper for .NET written in C++/CLI for maximum performance.
A liblinear and libsvm wrapper for .NET written in C++/CLI for maximum performance.