Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

Microsoft SQL Server specific components for Susanoo
This is an unofficial package wrapping Awesomium .Net wrapper into a nuget to ease up CI.
A small utility library that allows the rewriting of expression trees using methods as marker points for the rewriting process.
Samples for T4.TemplateFileManager and T4.VsAutomationHelper Please report bugs or feature requests on github:
Yaaf.Logging is a simple abstraction layer over a logging library (designed for System.Diagnostic.TraceSource).
C# 数据访问组件,集成重试机制。
.NET Core Extensions
Clone of with issue #47 fixed (pull request
Kerosene C# Dynamic Tools Library
Huge dictionary of file extensions to mime types
MapperNet is a simple and little ORM written in C#. It Requires .NET Framework 4.5.1
This package contains the required metadata to use the Firebug Console with the Saltarelle C# to JavaScript compiler. Install this package on the C# saltarelle project.
Portable Client Library and HttpClient based OAuth library, including all platform(for PCL as .NET 4.0, .NET 4.5, Silverlight4, Silverlight5, Windows Phone 8.0, Windows Store Apps). This is an independently uploaded package and has source code from various sources aggregated under MIT License. Ori...
Install this package to connect with CRM and use it in your C# web and windows application. 4.0
Render T4 files in C#
Simple redirect plugin
C# source for utility methods (like Min and Max) that generically work with types implementing IComparable<T>.
Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET