Top 20 NuGet crud Packages
SQLite CRUD methors for .NET Framework
An Automated Role Based Access Control .NET framework with T-SQL Query Parser which automatically parse select, insert, update, delete queries (row and column level security) based on the logged in user role. It also maintains user interface entitlements like menu, submenu, screen and screen element...
The Yuuko library provides easy access to datasource from fronted by mapping logistic attributes. To put it in a ASP.Net MVC application or Web Forms. The library will decrease backstage coding workload. You can just build fronted and models to reach some basic web logics without backstage developme...
Simple generic SOLID netstandard2.1 architectural framework that will be CRUD and map for you.
WindnTrees.NET abstraction library for WindnTrees application project. WindnTrees.Abstraction extends .NET native controller and provide BasicController, ContentController, CRUDController, CRUDLController, MultipartFormController and FlexController that are required when writing a WindnTrees applica...
WindnTrees.Core abstraction library for WindnTrees application projects. WindnTrees.Core extends .NET Core native controller and provide BasicController, ContentController, CRUDController, CRUDLController, MultipartFormController and FlexController that are required when writing a WindnTrees.Core ap...
Leichtgewichtiges Framework um Daten einer Datenbank des Microsoft SQL Servers (auch Azure SQL) abzufragen und auf benutzerdefinierte Klassen zu mappen. Möglich sind alle CRUD-Operationen und auch die Abfrage von Daten aus Views wird unterstützt.
Attribute-based table mapping and simple database access.
A Simple SQL Query Generator Using ADO.NET Provider with SQlite
Package Description
Introduces callback channel repositories.

The Asp Net Core plugin for use with Entity Framework Core. Automaticly create controller (endpoint) for each entity
The Asp Net Core plugin for use with Entity Framework Core.
This plugin simplify client-server interacting, by creating endpoints for each Entity in your DBContext.
JSON and XML interacting types are supported.
Handles GET POST PUT DELETE requests.
Flexible and adjustable request sch...
A lightweight generic entities cacheable repository using Dapper
Biblioteca de itens comuns para camada de Application de projetos corporativos da FACode
Given an EF Core DBContext, LogicBuilder.EntityFrameworkCore.SqlServer uses AutoMapper configurations to support CRUD operations using the DTO objects.
This library provides CRUD operations of the database as Extension Methods.
By specifying Attribute / Lambda-Expression, You can perform database query/update using Dapper without writing SQL.
CrudDatastore.Topper EntityFramework Boilerplate
System.Data.SqlClient specific feature for DeclarativeSql.
Microsoft.Data.SqlClient specific feature for DeclarativeSql.