Top 20 NuGet crop Packages
Library to help with image handling such as resizing, cropping, applying filters (brightess, contrast, unsharpen mask, chroma key etc), watermarking, thumbnail creation, opening/saving files or streams and more.
Plupload is a JavaScript API for dealing with file uploads it supports features like multiple file selection, file type filtering, request chunking, client side image scaling and it uses different runtimes to achieve this such as HTML 5, Silverlight and Flash.
This plugin will enable you to manipulate(resize,crop,rotate,monochrome) a image(png,jpg).
Imageflow.Server plugin for fetching source images from S3.
Imageflow.Server plugin for caching processed images to disk.
Imageflow.Server plugin for fetching source images from remote URLs.
A blazor library provide a component to crop images

Imageflow.HybridCache - Modern disk caching system with write-ahead-logs and strict cache size limiting.
Imageflow.HybridCache - Modern disk caching system with write-ahead-logs and strict cache size limiting
Piczard is a FREE image manipulation library developed keeping focus on ASP.NET needs
It provides a variety of tools that can help you to manage images in your ASP.NET applications:
- PictureTrimmer: The world's most awesome WYSIWYG image cropping tool for ASP.NET.
- An expandable set of classes and...
Photo Editor with copping, rotate, zoom and more for Xamarin.iOS
Crop Photos Plugin for Xamarin.
DynamicImage is a high-performance image manipulation library for ASP.NET.
SimpleImageUpload user control allows the final user to:
- Upload an image to the server
- Interactively crop, resize, rotate/flip and color adjust the uploaded image (WYSIWYG)
- Automatically apply post-processing filters (e.g.: image resize + watermark)
- View a preview of the uploaded image
- E...
Adds support to ImageProcessor for Content Aware Image Resizing.
If you use ImageProcessor please get in touch via my twitter @james_m_south
Feedback is always welcome
Graphics Mill Windows Controls is a set of Windows Forms controls which helps you creating image processing user interface in desktop applications. Bitmap Viewer control displays a bitmap on the screen with zoom, scroll and crop functionality. Vector Objects module allows working with composite imag...
Graphics Mill Web Controls is a front end for Graphics Mill image processing library. Set of web controls allow viewing and editing graphics. Use Bitmap Viewer allows to display, zoom, crop and apply different effects on bitmap images. AJAX Vector Objects allows viewing and editing composite images ...
A cross-platform library for processing of image files written in C#
A .NET Standard port of smartcrop.js for content aware image cropping.
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