Top 20 NuGet credit Packages

.netCHARGE provides simplified real-time credit card processing drawing on over 19 years of direct experience offering commercial credit card processing for more than 50 payment processors and gateways.
The Heidelpay .NET SDK provides an easy way to integrate payment functionality on your backend .NET application server.
Payment with secupay: json messaging, persistence, interface
Client for Credit API V1.0
Credit Card Type (credit-card-type) binding library for Bridge.NET projects.
Custom Credit/Debit card view for Android
MundiPagg Gateway Client
Paymentwall is the leading digital payments platform for globally monetizing digital goods and services. Paymentwall assists game publishers, dating sites, rewards sites, SaaS companies and many other verticals to monetize their digital content and services. Merchants can plugin Paymentwall's API to...
Helps simplify the interaction with Raven's real-time endpoints.
Service Objects BIN Validation Libraries utilizing best practices with fail over configuration. This service can be used to Validate a BIN number for credit card transactions. If an entered BIN is valid it will return the Bank Name, card type, country of origin and various other pieces of informatio...
.netCHARGE provides simplified real-time credit card processing drawing on over 18 years of direct experience offering commercial credit card processing for more than 50 payment processors and gateways.
Unoficial Nubank Api client for .Net is a sync/async .NET 4.5+ client, and a portable class library for the Bongloy API.
jQuery Credit Card Validator will tell you the detected credit card type and if the number length and Luhn checksum are valid for the type of card
Utilities for the finance industry.
PayPlug payment solution
Payabbhi .NET Library
Client for Mundipagg API
The MaxiPago gateway SDK for .NET projects