Top 20 NuGet cqs Packages

Autofac implementation for the command handler resolver defined in Affecto.Patterns.Cqrs NuGet.
An Autofac implementation of the dispatchers for the CreativeMinds.CQS package
Simple abstractions for *Command and *Query parts of CQRS pattern
Defines contracts for metrics-capturing components to be used alongside Functional.CQS handler implementations: - IUniversalMetricsCapturingStrategy - IMetricsCapturingStrategyForQuery<TQuery, TResult> - IMetricsCapturingStrategyForCommand<TCommand, TError>
Provides metrics-capturing decorator implementations for Functional.CQS handler implementations: - IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - ICommandHandler<TCommand, TError> - IAsyncCommandHandler<TCommand, TError>
Defines contracts for infrastructural components required for Functional.CQS.AOP caching. - IFunctionalCache - IInvalidateFunctionalCacheItem<TQuery, TResult> - IInvalidateFunctionalCacheItems - ILogFunctionalCacheExceptions - ILogFunctionalCacheItemInvalidationOperations - ILogFunctionalCacheItemRe...
Provides the IQueryResultCachingStrategy<TQuery, TResult> contract for defining caching strategies used for Functional.CQS handler implementations: - IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult>
A seedwork for CQRS methodology
CQS implementation dedicated to Fortu.Mediator
InMemory/TextFile storage provider for NEventLite. An extensible lightweight library for .NET that manages the Aggregate lifecycle in an Event Sourced system.
EventStore storage provider for NEventLite. An extensible lightweight library for .NET that manages the Aggregate lifecycle in an Event Sourced system.
Defines FunctionalNullCache, a null object that implements Functional.CQS.AOP.Caching.Infrastructure.IFunctionalCache
Provides DDD objects with the mediatR library.
CQS and CQRS for EntityFrameworkCore
Interfaces and base implementation for the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern.
CommandAndQuery applies the CQS principle by using separate Query and Command objects to retrieve and modify data, respectively.
Command Query Seperation Interfaces
Mediator with Commands and Queries