Top 20 NuGet cqs Packages

Razor-powered ORM for SQL lovers
A TCP host for the Command/Query library.
Command Query Separation for .NET Framework and .NET Standard ⚙️ ✔️ Build services that separate the responsibility of commands and queries ✔️ Focus on implementing the handlers for commands and queries ✔️ Create APIs with less boilerplate code 📄
.NET utility classes to aid with Command Query Separation
Command Query Separation for ASP.NET Core 🌐 ✔️ Provides generic actions for handling the execution of commands and queries ✔️ Enables APIs based on HTTP POST and GET 📄
A data access library for .NET combining the mediator pattern and the query object pattern, with caching, async and easy mocking of queries and commands
Simple database-adapted abstractions for *Command and *Query parts of CQRS pattern
Command Query Separation for ASP.NET Web API 2 🌐 ✔️ Provides generic actions for handling the execution of commands and queries ✔️ Enables APIs based on HTTP POST and GET 📄
Command Query Separation for AWS Lambda ⚡ ✔️ Provides generic function support for commands and queries with Amazon API Gateway ✔️ Enables APIs based on HTTP POST and GET 📄
Clients for CommandQuery ✔️ CommandClient ✔️ QueryClient 📄
Provides extension methods for conveniently decorating Functional.CQS query handler implementations with caching concerns: - IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> Used with SimpleInjector container.
Supplies caching decorator implementations for Functional.CQS handler implementations: - IQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult> - IAsyncQueryHandler<TQuery, TResult>
Defines an in-memory cache that implements Functional.CQS.AOP.Caching.Infrastructure.IFunctionalCache
Package Manager Console integration for Jerrycurl CLI.
Compile-time engine for Jerrycurl.
Jerrycurl CLI. Install as .NET Core Global Tool.
Relational engine for Jerrycurl.
Extensions for CommandQuery
Dependency Injection for CommandQuery
Command Query Separation library part of Georadix.NET, a framework for building great .NET apps.