Top 20 NuGet core Packages

Commonly used code.
Package Description
This program will execute ASP.NET Core WebAPI from Command Line. Can be usefull for a CI integration or just making a demo. Please see for details Please see about how I made it.
A library that allows to create a rfc6902-based JSON Patch Document from comparing two objects.
MonoidSharp is a lib that brings functional concepts to C#
Библиотека расширений для Entity Framework Core
Api micro service
Volcano Mapping core
Package Description
Package Description
Contains language options for certain controls.
This package bundles data objects and repositories for common web application components.
Core models for LocalizeServer for seralizing resources
Common models for the LocalizeServer which can very flexable localize resources
Management API for LocalizeServer. Interface for add or modify resource items
Small helper library with some helpfull functions
This package is written to automatically migrate pending migrations. It was written for use especially when deploying in a docker environment. It has support for serilog and microsoft loggers.