Top 20 NuGet core Packages

A WebApi template with Swagger documented Rest Controller. Or a Graphql Api.
An alternative way to store string resources is using the JSON files. This package gives a possibility to organize string localizations in files per culture name. It also supports fallback to the neutral culture and default culture.
SOAP Middleware using ASP.NET Core
A WebApi template with a Graphql Api.
Use Razor to build your templates from strings / files / EmbeddedResources outside of ASP.NET MVC for .NET Core
The nuget package released for the One-Minute Programming.
Cyrillic to Laitin
apteryx QQ:82121500
Biblioteca para efetuar cálculo de soma, subtração, multiplicação e divisão.
Baisc functions
Helper class to run a .NetCore console application as a service.
CometX.NET Core Attributes, Entities, Service and Repo .dlls