Top 20 NuGet core Packages

This is the assembly necessary to do Office interop
.NET Standard extensions: Modules: CsvReader, StringExtensions, TextPattern, see unit tests for examples.
asterNet library to support net Standard 2.0
A cross-platform base framework useful for all projects that use .Net Core
定义了阿里云 API 接口访问的基本类型。
Implementations of Ternacode.Persistence.Abstractions for EntityFramework Core.
Librería de .NET core para el sistema de pagos konecta.
One Compute Core library
双因素认证,从共享密钥和当前时间计算一次性密码的算法. From AspNetCore.Totp
Lists all the versions of dotnet core SDKs in your user template directory and the global tools for each version.
Ding.MemoryDB是基于.net core平台开发的内存表操作类库。
NetStandard2.0 Unit Of Work
Klarna Checkout Handler