Top 20 NuGet core Packages

用于快速创建和更新 .NETCore 2.1 + PostgreSQL 项目,非常合适敏捷开发; dotnet tool install -g GenPg
Luke's models
Luke's exceptions
Computes the hash value for a file by using a specified hash algorithm.
Veldrid integration for the SPIRV-Cross native library. Contains functionality to cross-compile SPIR-V bytecode into HLSL, GLSL, ESSL, and MSL shaders for use with Veldrid.
The probably fastest way to use custom contracts in Photon
Модели из базы данных и интерфейсы для взаимодействия с back-end.
Simple and powerful SQL builder
集成了 MagicOnion 与 Consul 服务注册的 RPC 模块,支持与 ABP 框架一起使用。
集成了 MagicOnion 与 Consul 服务发现的 RPC 模块,支持与 ABP 框架一起使用。
Настройка логирования в файл для ASP.NET Core
Package Description
Provides you with a fluent interface for configuring an NServiceBus endpoint in .NET Core WebApi. It uses IServiceCollection as a starting point and guides the developer through the configuration process.
Provides you with a fluent interface for configuring an NServiceBus endpoint in .NET Core. It uses a class called ConfigureNServiceBus as a starting point and guides the developer through the configuration process.
Kibii.Configuration.ShareX optimized for use with ASP.NET.
Convert excel files into sql scripts