Top 20 NuGet conversion Packages

Currency conversion using the API
Convert XML to plain old XML (POX) and query it using XPath.
A library for compatibility about Japan. 日本で利用される機能を集めたライブラリです。
A general purpose open source utility and helper library for .NET development
A library to convert different temperature types. A collection of dotnet extension methods for the following types: * int * long * float * double * string Benchmark details can be found at the following link: https:/...
(Yet another) Library to handle conversions between units of measurement in an object oriented manner.
C# Utils that work with .NET Standard 2.0
A general purpose open source utility and helper library for .NET development
Convert hexadecimal string to binary and also view Canonical format address
Open source .NET library for working with color spaces.
xlf to/from resx conversion tool
Libary of data conversion extension methods
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
Fast transmission and deserialization using Protobuf Api.Forex.Currency.Converter is a wrapper for https://Api.Forex
imbNLP core functional library with content decomposition, Bag-of-Terms, VSM/SSRM support, language evaluation, text analysis...
A .NET library that helps with mathematics and algorithmic work.
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
Tool for converting a MSBuild project file to VS2017 format and beyond.
An easy to use exchange-rate currency checker and converter. Providers include Google and Yahoo. Usage - ExchangeRate.Provider.Yahoo.Rate(Iso4217.GBP, Iso4217.EUR) ExchangeRate.Provider.Google.Rate("GBP", "EUR"); ExchangeRate.Provider.Google.Convert(Iso4217.GBP, Iso4217.EUR, 500);