Top 20 NuGet controls Packages

Advanced Windows Forms controls
Currently available controls : Extenders BalloonTipExtender: provide a extender to show balloon for TextBoxBase controls; CueTextExtender: provide a extender to add cue text for TextBoxBase and ComboBox controls; ValidatorExtender: provide a simple way to validate user entries (like; Con...
When you install the Windows Phone SDK this file can be found in C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\Windows Phone\v7.1\Libraries\Silverlight however that doesn't make it very friendly when people open it without the SDK or you want everything in one place so this simple Nuget package solves that.
Collection of WPF shape controls
Everyone who has worked with Borland's Delphi knows how powerful Actions are. Actions are used to link together various UI elements, such as buttons, menu items, and toolbar buttons, making them behave consistently: linked items are checked/ unchecked/ enabled/ disabled at the same time, and they sh...
SAIC Custom Composite Controls
Contains the free Silverlight based Menu and Datagrid controls from DevExpress
Bob wasn't a great product for Microsoft but maybe Bob can add what's missing for Windows 8
This package provides the enhanced LongListSelector control for Windows Phone 7.5, with the same API as the Windows Phone 8 LongListSelector. This is not the Windows Phone toolkit LongListSelector. Main advantages: Supports full data and UI virtualization Supports grouped grid layout Better perfor...
These are 2 free controls for ASP.NET MVC, ScheduleCalendar and ScheduleGeneral, designed to show scheduled events in the form of a table
Easy to use control available for Windows Phone and Windows 8 that gives ability to prompt users for app rating / feedback based on configurable properties.
Easy to use control available for Windows Phone and Windows 8 that gives ability to prompt users for app rating / feedback based on configurable properties.
Framework to simplify web development
邮件发送组件、内容采集、CSV数据文件导入工具、日志记录组件、MVC验证登陆组件、MVC分页组件、短信发送组件和强大的Repeate和RepeaterPager组件! 总有一款适合你。
Easy to use library that gives ability to prompt users for app rating / feedback based on configurable properties. This library works with Windows Phone 8, 8.1 and 10 as well as Windows 8.1 and 10.
Package with DZ.WPFExtensions.dll
Extra controls for Windows Presentation Framework.
ASP.NET WebForms server control wrapper for jQuery Notification plug-in called jNotify.