Top 20 NuGet controls Packages

MessageBar from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
Rating from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
Text from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
Pivot from Blazor port of Office Fabric UI
Package Description
Project contains some WPF control (used Material Design)
Custom controls for WPF: PropertyGrid, DataGrid, multi-select TreeView, ColorPicker and more
This library provides a XAML MarkdownTextBlock control, an efficient and extensible control that can parse and render markdown. It is a part of the Windows Community Toolkit.
Controls, components and utilities for your next WP7 Application
Yandex Maps control. See samples at
Ljund Controls contains Windows 8 themeing for WPF and helpers for animation of controls such as fading in/out, resizing, sliding and more. In addition to these core features, a TextEntryDialog is provided, and a helper for navigation between pages in a WPF Frame.
The Microsoft Report Viewer 2010 SP1 Redistributable Package includes controls for viewing reports designed using Microsoft reporting technology.
Framework для поддержки WPF разработки в Rikrop.
Control authoring extensions for Assisticant
The project contains some of a very useful helpers and extension methods for .NET and Web Applications.
Collection of controls for WPF
Controls: ProgressIndicator - imagine a progress bar on steroids. In addition to maximum/minimum/value, you can provider a target value and target label to, for example, display today's target for a budget. RingSlice - Based heavily on the RingSlice control from WinRTXamlToolkit. This version fix...
Just a bunch of controls, converters, and extension methods for WPF.