Top 20 NuGet contract Packages

A NEO blockchain development toolkit that does not rely on block synchronization, including transaction construction, address translation, signature, etc.
The Contracts library by Nexus Labs provides shorthand syntax for checking conditions. Often we'll write code that will check if parameters are null, or to validate string input as not being null/empty/whitespace and it results in a lot of boilerplate code. This aims to reduce that with a cleaner sy...
NEO lightwallet / blockchain API for C#. Allows you to interact with smart contracts in the NEO blockchain.
Biblioteca de interfaces de aplicação e infraestrutura e outros itens de domínio.
Package Description
This package provides an easy to use, declarative way of performing REST calls.
prmToolkit É um projeto responsável por dar apoio a outros projetos. # ArgumentsValidator Classe responsável por gerenciar validações de argumentos. VANTAGENS >Podemos realizar validações indivíduais ou em grupos >É possível levantar uma exceção ou captura-las
A no frills library for validating arguments.
Trinity.VM for XCoin Blockchain
The Schema Generator for the Consumer Schema Tool
The Schema Checker for the Consumer Schema Tool
NeoSharp Virtual Machine Interop.
A NEO blockchain development toolkit that does not rely on block synchronization, including transaction construction, address translation, signature, etc.
A NNS development toolkit
A simple tool for unit testing Stratis smart contracts.
No fuss, KISS contract library for .NET.
boost_contract-vc142. Compiler: Visual Studio 2019 16.11.41.
The Duraxium diagnostic library provides one class with methods that provide syntactically concise parameter "guard conditions", and another class that provides assertion-checking like the .NET Debug.Assert method, but with extra features.
A base class library to add useful extensions to .NET, like messanging, LINQ expression parser and extension methods, Task Parallel Library helpers, type auto-mapping for storage and benchmark.