Top 20 NuGet container Packages

The EntLibContrib Castle Windsor Configurator is an implementation of the IContainerConfigurator interface that allows to use Castle Windsor as the DI container in EntLib.
Petite Container is a very simple and light-weight dependency injection container. It is distributed as source-code only and contains just a single file.
Simple Dependency Container
Dependency Injection Container with a very simple API
This package provides the experimental Speedioc assembly that is used to configure and create container instances.
MementoContainer is an alternative approach to the Memento design pattern. It is a lightweight utility that takes a snapshot of your objects' state so that you can easily rollback to a previous state when recovering from errors.
DI .NET containter specification
Docker.DotNet is a library that allows you to interact with the Docker Remote API programmatically with fully asynchronous, non-blocking and object-oriented code in your .NET applications.
Mini IoC container.
Adds asynchronous capabilities to the Unity Container. Supported Platforms: * .NET Framework 4.5 * Windows 8 * Windows Phone Silverlight 8 * Windows Phone 8.1 * Xamarin.Android * Xamarin.iOS * Portable Class Libraries
Dependency Injection Container
This MVC sample illustrates how to use Unity interception to capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object.
This MVC sample illustrates how to use Unity interception to capture calls to objects and add additional functionality to the target object.
A simple custom-made configurable Dependency Injection container used for small projects. inversion of control/container DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of precious test...
Lightweight IoC container
Infrastructure component for building composite applications consisting of multiple parts (services). The container loads and starts services from subfolders using reflection. In microservices architecture each microservice is executed in LXC or VM, while in this project each nanoservice instance is...
Infrastructure component for building composite applications consisting of multiple parts (services). The container loads and starts services from subfolders using reflection. In microservices architecture each microservice is executed in LXC or VM, while in this project each nanoservice instance is...
Umc.Core Frameworks