Top 20 NuGet console Packages

The Desert Software Command Console library provides console extensions for building command line interfaces
A simple, single-line console logger for ASP.NET Core 3.0.
A console logger that logs only targets being built.
Konsole native Windows driver. (works with .NET Standard or .NET Framework projects only on windows)
Enrich System.Console with colors. Used Rainbow icon from Farm-Fresh Web using Creative Commons Attribution (by) licence.
Provides simple I/O communication interface between applications
This is a C#(dotnet) library for making your design of CUI tool better.
This is a C#(dotnet) library for making your design of CUI tool better.
Package Description
The Refactorius SQL utility library provides colored and buffered console output and prompted input.
Text tools for terminals.
Internal terminal utilities.
Advanced console gui for the Wanderer engine
A C# console app menu system.
Converts Sass variables to a corresponding JSON format.
Ccr.Terminal package for writing .Net 5.0/.Net Framework 4.8 based terminal applications that write to the console with formatted, colorized output using the ExtendedConsole.XConsole. Variant rewrite of Colorful.Console.
Used to create .NET Core console applications with menus. It uses reflection to find the menu items and builds the menus for you so that you can focus on the work that the menu item perform. It also uses Microsoft's dependency injection framework that can be used to inject dependencies into menu it...
chrome extension for server side console logging with ASP.NET Classic (System.Web)