Top 20 NuGet console Packages

Juhta.Net.Console contains classes that help building console applications. This library is a part of Juhta.NET.
Tvision2 Viewports Support
Tvision2 Controls Statex integration
Tvision2 Application State Support
Tvision2 Midnight Commander Styles
Tvision2 Controls support
A collection of core enhancing tools, including Inversion of Control (IoC) container, command line processor, console output renderer, and more.
Provides a console observer to handle log messages and write them to active console window
Library for generating text-based tables for the .NET platform
SmartCon is a small collection of console tools for .NET. Offers processing of commandline arguments with different flavours of commandline switches.
The library to choose if you need to pretty-print tabluar data in the console.
Cross-platform ANSI-based multicolor terminal library
XLogger adapter to write logs in the console
Extension for creating a basic UI for a console app with a main menu and sub menus.
A fully customizable command line interface / shell with built-in documentation, autocomplete and history features.
Simple library that enables a basic REPL experience on a .NET Console application.
A method of configuring commands for an REPL prompt.