Top 20 NuGet concurrency Packages

Library for monitoring your disruptor ringbuffers.
CHESS is a open source tool created by Microsoft Research for systematic and disciplined testing of concurrent programs.
Provides classes useful in concurrent programming.
Go# library provides a mini embedded DSL for C# that mimics Go concurrency statements like channels and select.
Utilities for threading.
An obsessively simple and performant library for protecting critical sections.
Verifies RowVersion fields are flagged as Concurrency Fixed
Message handler Chain
Mendham library used for tracking working with concurrent objects
The ConcurrencyChecker is an easy to use library that is used to find possible concurrency issues and async deadlocks in your code. Add this library to your unit and/or integration testing arsenal.
Deprecated. Switch to the Akka.Serialization.Hyperion nuget package instead.
Similar to Task.WhenAll but allows you to limit the number of tasks in flight (max concurrency).
Extension methods for System.Threading.ReaderWriterLockSlim.
Concurrent collections.
Package Description
Package Description
Package Description
A concurrent queue which knows how to fuel itself with fresh data