Top 20 NuGet concurrency Packages

Ultra-fast distributed actors for .NET.
Cross-platform library providing exclusive lock on file, with timeout functionality. Forked from:
Package description and other meta
Automatic fiber based proxy generation
Core hosting library of Outkeep
Grain implementation library for Outkeep
A direct cluster client for Outkeep
Core hosting library of Outkeep
A Microsoft .NET Standard library to manage process execution with concurrency control.
This package contains entity framework core base entity type configuration for MsSql, MySql, PostgreSql.
This library is for adding optimistic concurrency control to MongoDB using techniques similar to Entity Framework as well as adding basic DbContext type of functionality to your applications.
Coroutine based cache with areas support, a simple and efficient coroutine implementation. The documentation can be found on
This library makes working with LINQ to MongoDB queries easier from C#. Specificially it is for debugging and runtime inquiry of LINQ queries. There are two basic use cases: (1) Explain a LINQ query (does it use an index for example?). (2) Convert a LINQ query to the JavaScript code run in MongoDB.
Tiny library encapsulating boilerplate code for interlocked updates using Interlocked.CompareExchange.
Serilog sink for the Disruptor-net.Metrics library
Loki provides an easy way to handle locking scenarios on distributed systems.
Communicating sequential processes (CSP) for .NET using channels. It is heavily inspired by channels in the Go programming language.
A cross-platform .NET Standard 1.5 library to get the cache line size of the processor, in bytes. Windows, Linux, and macOS supported.
A library for unit testing Serilog log events in concurrent testing frameworks.