Top 20 NuGet common Packages

Bindings for .NET for Android (formerly Xamarin.Android) Chromium.CroNet.Common package
multicotizador common Library
multicotizador common lib
Common utilities
The most common methods, types and interfaces for use across all Mobile (Xamarin) projects.
Biblioteca comum para desenvolvimento dos projetos Data C
Different helper methods I use for all my personal projects as Csv import/export, Json export, background execution, fluent locking, etc
excelmatrix common dll
Client libraries to interact with the Dynamic 365 Customer Insights APIs.
Package Description
Provides a set of common classes and approaches, which can be used in any project as helpful pocket library.
Validates the structure of email addresses, Social Security Numbers, and U.S. phone numbers.
Common transformation functions, such as transforming DateTime objects, transforming raw text, creating file hashes, converting dollar amounts by frequency, dealing with Social Security Numbers, Enum descriptions, etc.
Contains common math functions useful in business situations and monte-carlo-like constructs.
Contains common utilities for constructing SQL statements and paged searching by criteria.
Helper library for transacting with the Microsoft Dataverse service (formerly Common Data Service "CDS" or "XRM")
Common model class for the Ural Boilerplate project.
Common utility class for the Ural Boilerplate project.
Common custom filter class for the Ural Boilerplate project.
Common delegating handlers for the Ural Boilerplate project.