Top 20 NuGet common Packages

Set of common domain classes.
Package Description
HaoCoding.Utility是深圳云企微商网络科技有限公司基于.net core平台开发的应用框架中的功能性帮助类库。
Common Utilities used across .NetCore projects
Simply facade library over System.Net.Mail API.
NCommons is a set of several .NET libraries which provide common building blocks that can be used by any kind of library or application. This library provides several members which assist in writing type-safe and expressive code. Even though the package is called "Monads", the included members don'...
NCommons is a set of several .NET libraries which provide common building blocks that can be used by any kind of library or application. This library provides several generic and specialized collection-type members. Commonly Used Types: IPriorityQueue<T> PriorityQueue<T> Heap<T> BinaryHeap<T> INot...
Class library containing common abstractions to support development of common forms.
基于HttpClient和HttpWeb的Http Get和Post请求,支持跨平台,加入代码注释
用于图片的裁剪、压缩等操作的帮助类. 以往下载的工具类太大,功能不单一,本人将会将常用的代码封装成功能单一的类库供大家使用。
Interfaces for parsing
Interfaces for Mapping
Testing distributed framework
NCommons is a set of several .NET libraries which provide common building blocks that can be used by any kind of library or application. This library provides members for quickly setting up classes which require property change notifications. Commonly Used Types: ObservableObject You can find add...
Lightweight and implementation-free interfaces for DTO's, providers and adapters.