Top 20 NuGet command Packages

COmmand LIne PARSer
Mirage is a windows library that provides some common classes to write better MVVM applications. Mirage provides a command framework, a ViewModel framework and a bunch of collection classes that make it easy to write ViewModels for windows applications.
.NET Core 2.0 command line application framework.
Open source library made to speed up development of console utility applications.
Implementation for CEBus
Proof of Console (POConsole) is a console productivity tool for .NET developer's that want to prototype and run code in class libraries without writing virtually ANY boilerplate code.
Generic interfaces for Repository and UnitOfWork patterns and implementation of the Command pattern with regards to database operations.
An extensible command processor pattern implementation.
Package Description
Package Description
vBridge extends .NET's GUI capabilities by giving developers additional system features, and increases productivity by eliminating common boilerplate code.
lite framework for cqrs and eventsourcing
Projac.Sql provides lightweight infrastructure for authoring SQL projections.
Simple command line parser framework designed to be friendly with DI frameworks.
The RS Command Line Parser .Net Class Library can be used to add basic command line parsing for parameters to an application. Parameters can be passed starting with -- or - or / as prefix character followed by a space or = between parm name and value. Example: app.exe --action=run or --action ru...
Easy Connect and Execute Sql command on your SqlServer Database
Command Query Responsibilty Segregation