Top 20 NuGet command Packages

A tiny C# class to handle arguments sent to a console application. Tiny uses the power of Dynamic and ExpandoObject in .Net 4 to dynamically populate name-value pairs from the arguments passed to the command line. Tiny's argument parsing depends on separators for name-value pairs, for example if...
A CQRS styled bus to handle commands synchronously.
A C# library for building command-base console applications. Inspired by python's argparse.
Package Description
Simple menu handler for console applications. Forked from Microsoft Patterns Practices Unity Application Block Samples
A small toolkit for the surprisingly complex issue of managing process arguments.
A rich and elegant library for parameter-parsing that supports various syntaxes and flavors.
Cmd.Net is convenient and laconic API for creating command line applications.
Library for easy and fast creation of console/shell-like .NET apps.
Console Shell for .Net
ClozureCL Common Lisp
A library to enable simple multi-pane console applications parse command line arguments DevLib is a highly reusable collection of components and core functionalities addressing common crosscutting concerns. It provides a comprehensive set of features that save development time, minimize costs, reduce the use of precious test r...
Command line options parser
Tool for converting cs (C#) source code snippets to vb (VB.NET) and vice versa.
Interfaces and base implementation for the Command Query Responsibility Segregation (CQRS) pattern.
This is a NuGet packages merge utility which lets you merge two .nupkg packages (two .NET Framework Versions) into a single .nupkg package.
Simple CommandRunner to bootstrap console applications
To obtain the functionality of Console based options' selection. This also support the nested option selection as well.
A managed library that helps to create sync and async ICommand implementations for .NET 4.0/4.5/4.6.