Top 20 NuGet command Packages

This library uses conventions in your code in order to allow command-line functionnality (parsing and executing commands), such as creating a CLI tooling. The library will find the command and execute it passing in the parameters recieved. Otherwise, it will print help information.
PocoData.Sql is a MS SQL implementation of the PocoData micro ORM. Because sometimes you need simpler, lighter data access methods.
C# port of the golang flag package that facilitates command-line parsing.
This library exposes the native .NET IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of the command and mediator patterns.
This library exposes the Autofac IoC integration for the Solid Instruments implementations of the command and mediator patterns.
Package Description
Abstractions to install a serilog log system with different configurable outputs
A command line tool for taking notes. Easy to use you can write, read and find notes.
Pyxis tollkit for windows applications.
ConsoleFx is a framework to build command-line applications, with support for command-line argument parsing and handling, including built-in error handling and validation support. This is the binary package for the ConsoleFx core, which provides a fluent API for creating command-line applications. U...
ConsoleFx is a framework to build command-line applications, with support for command-line argument parsing and handling, with built-in error handling and validation support. This is the code package for the ConsoleFx core, which provides a fluent API for creating command-line applications. Use this...
MCM (Message-Command-Message) is an open source framework for building modular, military simple .NET applications and state machine APIs of any size. Highly recommended is using it with Visual Studio Templates from
An object model for generating SQL at runtime.
The EntityFramework's implementation of the Moveax.DataAccess.Cqrs.Highway core.
Asynchronous API of the command pattern for C#.
Autofac dependency resolver for Moveax.DataAccess.Cqrs.Highway
Unity dependency resolver for Moveax.DataAccess.Cqrs.Highway
This library contains UnitOfWorks, Repository, Command, Command Manifest, Task command and EventAggregator pattern interfaces.
Provides an easy to use means of exposing a set of public class methods as a console program. Parses and converts the arguments to the appropriate types and invokes the method. Can run as a full interpreter with support for piping IO between commands. Built in help command for your c...