Top 20 NuGet command Packages

MVVM<BareknuckleStyle> higly extensible, yet lightweight implementation of INotifyPropprtyChanged
Smartflow is a small and simple module inspired by Greg Young SimpleCQRS. It also borrows alot of ASP.NET MVC source code to facilitate API filtering style such as Attribute filters, Global filters. Dependency injection is also fully supported and on top of it, the aim of this module is keep your co...
This module is an add-on to Smartflow to allow messages to be distributed to RabbitMQ priority queues
Command/Query (CQS) library which enables to you use dependency injection in your Command/Query handlers. The CQS objects can be executed locally within the same process or through a client/server architecture. You can also scale the execution by using routing CQS objects or divide so that one se...
This is a library about terminal(command line) program development.
Contains templates for generating an entire codebase which uses EF6, CQRS, and Aurelia. This set of templates generates: - database entities and repositories (C#) - service models, mappings, interfaces, clients, and controllers (C#) - frontend models and services (TS) All generated code is depende...
A small library to help separate logic into commands and queries.
A small library to help separate logic into commands and queries.
A convenient .NET API for shelling out to other executables.
Lightweight library to implement CQRS principle with .NET Core applications.
Micro command line framework. Develop fast, enjoy results =)
A simple, fast and flexible data access library based on the Command pattern.
Command Query Separation for Azure Functions ⚡ ✔️ Provides generic function support for commands and queries with HTTPTriggers ✔️ Enables APIs based on HTTP POST and GET 📄
MVVM<BareKnuckleStyle> - async first ICommand implementations
C#/VB.NET database utility to write pure Microsoft SQL queries with beautifull API, to load data into environment variables and instances and to execute any pure SQL nonquery.
C#/VB.NET database utility to write pure MySQL/MariaDB queries with beautifull API, to load data into environment variables and instances and to execute any pure SQL nonquery.
C#/VB.NET database utility to write pure PostgreSql queries with beautifull API, to load data into environment variables and instances and to execute any pure SQL nonquery.
This is an implementation of the message store used for decoupled invocation of commands by Paramore.Brighter, using MS Sql Server