Top 20 NuGet collections Packages

xUnit Tests for netfx-System.Collections.Generic.KeyValuePair
Priority queue, reversible dictionary, reversible sorted dictionary, dynamic multidimensional array, heap, heapsort etc.
Inside Collections are found different data structures and algorithms, only a few of them are not completed and help will be well received.
Retargeted for .Net 4.0. Unofficial, unsupported build
LeviySoft collection library
A set of Roslyn diagnostic analyzers and code fixes targeting .NET Core libaries.
A set of C# extension methods and helpers.
A set of useful and powerful collection classes.
Welcome to Power Collections, A Community Project to Develop the Best Public License type safe Collection Classes for .NET. Power Collections makes heavy use of .NET Generics. The goal of the project is to provide generic collection classes that are not available in the .NET framework. Some of the c...
A powerful library of immutable and persistent data structures for the .NET platform.
Indexed dictionary is the first collection object in the indexed collections family.
a library with concurrent collections
A simple, stand-alone library for managing objects within a 2 dimensional grid
.NET library that provides thread-safe collections that automatically remove their elements after a particular time has passed. Each instance of a decaying collection has a timespan specified which is used as a lifespan for its elements.
Additional .NET collection extension methods and supporting types.
Minimalist .NET development for lazy programmers.
Package Description
A lightweight JavaScript library that brings proper .NET-like collections and LINQ to JavaScript.
Implementations of .NET Collections to SQL Server