Top 20 NuGet collections Packages
Paginable extension for collection.
SwiftHelper is a simple C# library with extension methods for commonly used operations on collections with optimization in mind.
F# idiomatic modules for the types in System.Collections.Concurrent
Useful Types : RandomProvider, BinaryTree, Sequence, various Enumerable extensions, CharSet, TypeCategorisor, EnumerableRandomExtension
Extensions to System.Collections.Immutable to include FastImmutableHashSet and FastImmutableDictionary
An implementation of IImmutableDictionary<TKey, TValue> that maintains O(1) value lookup, at the cost of mutation performance.
Functorized Set/Map
Heterogeneous collections for F#. Using heterogeneous collections, it's possible to act on arbitrary sum and product types in a generic way.
TeqCrate is a type-safe datatype-generic programming library for F#. It offers a type-safe and extensible way to inspect, decompose and create values for various kinds of common F# and .NET types.
Select partial functions made to have warnings in F#
This library exposes useful collection types and features, including: circular buffers, infinite sequences, pinned memory, tree composition and traversal.
A thread-safe generic first in-first out (FIFO) collection with support for priority queuing.
A thread-safe generic first in-first out (FIFO) collection with support for priority queuing.
Defines useful set-related interfaces, such as IReadOnlySet.
Alternative or extended collection types for .NET
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.
Useful set of methods that work with the generic collection library.
* A ForEach for IEnumerable (which is sorely lacking).
* A LambdaComparer for dynamically using IEqualityComparer
Provides the ability to List items in Concurrent manner.
This package adds useful extension methods to .NET Framework types in the System.Collections namespace.