Top 20 NuGet collections Packages

Provides an F#-style API for parallel operations on sequences that are part in .NET 4.0 as System.Linq.ParallelEnumerable class. The API is akin to F# operations on sequences.
J2N is a library that helps bridge the gap between .NET and Java. It provides components to assist with porting Java code to .NET, such as collections, adapters, and extensions. It contains some features from Java that also make it generally useful in any .NET application.
The System.Collections namespace in the .NET Framework provides a number of collection types that are extremely useful for manipulating data in memory. However, some specialized implementations of ISet are not available. Iesi.Collections 4.0 for .Net 4.0 contains the LinkedHashSet (preserves inserti...
A library containing useful data structures like Trees, Tries, Sparse Arrays, Bloom Filters and indexing tailored dictionaries.
Ecng system framework System Framework is a comprehensive collection of system classes designed for the development of connectors under the StockSharp platform.
Extensions for ordered testing with Xunit. Full support for ordering at all levels - test collections, test classes and test cases. Support for AssemblyFixture including IMessageSink injection and IAsyncLifetime. Supports .NET Core 1.x, .NET Core 2.x. and .NET 4.5.2+
The package is a part of the Saritasa Tools project. Saritasa.Tools.Common contains various utilities and extensions for DateTime conversion, strings manipulation, validation utils (Guard), parse with default, flow (memoize, retry), collection processing (chunk select), atomic (CAS, swap), strings h...
The C5 Generic Collection Library for C# and CLI is a comprehensive collection library supporting lists, sets, bags, dictionaries, priority queues, (FIFO) queues, and (LIFO) stacks. C5 runs on everything supporting .NET Standard 2.0: .NET Core 2.0+, .NET 4.6.1+, Mono, Xamarin, Universal Windows Plat...
A set of useful libraries for many kinds of .NET developers, starting with Loyc.Essentials, a library that "fills in the gaps" in the core of the .NET Base Class Library. LoycCore is especially focused on collections: classes, interfaces, adapters, and extension methods. Plus, Loyc.Syntax.dll parses...
Loyc.Collections is a library of sophisticated data structures that implement standard .NET collection interfaces. It includes ALists, VLists, hash tree types (Set<T>, MSet<T>, Map<K,V> and MMap<K,V>), and min/max heaps.
A newer API for collections that store bits.
Simple cross-platform memory mapping for .NET/Mono.
FSharpx.Collections is a collection of datastructures for use with F# and C#.
Collection extensions and custom collections for .NET.
This has lots of common standard libraries like MVVM Helpers, New Collection Classes, Extensions, Exceptions, and cross platform converters.
This provides common, core objects for the generators, including the Percentile and Collection selectors, with dependencies
A library of interfaces, extension methods, and small bits of functionality that are useful in almost any software project, according to the theme "things that should be built into the .NET framework, but aren’t". At least half of Loyc.Essentials is devoted to collections: collection interf...
Simple collection of helper for your project.
Boilerplate code that can speed up your development
Boilerplate code that can speed up your development