Top 20 NuGet collection Packages

Extensions to expose lists, collections, dictionaries, and enumerables as read-only. IList<T>.AsReadOnly() ICollection<T>.AsReadOnly() IDictionary<TKey,TValue>.AsReadOnly() IEnumerable<T>.AsReadOnly()
Collection of useful utility and helper classes.
Unified Utility Library Underscore.cs
A collection of useful extension methods.
Simple collection of Helper for your project.
Simple collection of extensions for your project.
High-performance in-memory multi-criteria collection search
Package Description
King.Collections Class Library
Epicycle .NET commons library. Contains various utilities, file system abstraction, reporting and more. Used by other Epicycle packages. * Details & release notes: * Sources:
a library with concurrent collections
This provides common, core objects for the generators, including the Percentile and Collection selectors, with dependencies
Kforms is an easy to use developer library for creating complex mobile forms. It was built as a cross-platform solution for customizable data collection in software applications. Check out for more information. Most applications have a need for some amount of data collection. Kforms strea...
Extension to the .NET System.Collections library (C#)
EF Collection Pool Repository
Package Description
ObservableCollectionEx is designed to postpone or disable notifications during collection update. The ObservanleCollectionEx is a direct replacement for ObservableCollection and could be used without any code modifications.
An observable collection where items are removed when a lifetime paired with them ends. Affords projecting, filtering, and other functional-style usage by removing the need to equate removed items with previously added items.
Unified algorithm support for indexed .NET collections.
Backbone Ribs is an extension project which adds an additional layer of functionality to Backbone that simplifies creation of basic types of views, adds more granular JSON handling and separates concerns further by separating Views from Regions (see Views and regions below for details) which enables...