Top 20 NuGet collection Packages
Auk.CsharpBootstrapper Helps to bootstrap C# codes, an enhancement to DevMvcComponent
Set of extended collections related functionality.
Extension function pack to increase productivity and improve source code writing.
Reusable utility and class library for WPF .NET Framework 4.8 - Featuring: AsyncRelayCommand<T>, ObservablePropertyChangedCollection, ViewModel, Visual Tree Helpers, Profiling, Extension Methods, ValueChangedEventArgs, MruManager (Most Recently Used files), AppSettingsConnector, InverExtension Marku...
A generic tree library in C# that focuses on hierarchical entity representations. Features: full LINQ querying, intuitive manipulation of nodes, error detection (e.g. cycles), class extensibility (e.g. to accommodate business rules), format conversion / serialization.
Reusable utility and class library for WPF - Featuring: AsyncRelayCommand<T>, ObservablePropertyChangedCollection, BaseViewModel, Visual Tree Helpers, Profiling, Extension Methods, ValueChangedEventArgs, MruManager (Most Recently Used files), AppSettingsConnector and more.
The CB.Win32.Standard project provides an more confortable way to access the Windows API. It is a reduced version of the CB.Win32 project to support .Net Standard and .Net Framework.
Reusable utility and class library for WPF .NET Core >= 3.0 - Featuring: AsyncRelayCommand<T>, ObservablePropertyChangedCollection, ViewModel, Visual Tree Helpers, Profiling, Extension Methods, ValueChangedEventArgs, MruManager (Most Recently Used files), AppSettingsConnector, InverExtension M...
Reusable utility and class library for UWP - Featuring: AsyncRelayCommand<T>.
Library containing useful and generic methods, which are missing from one or more BCL.
Make reactive ui even more powerful by integrating with dynamic data and making use of it's numerious operators.
Dynamic data provides an observable cache and an observable list with at least 50 collection specific operators for each.
LeadPipe.Net is a collection of useful types, patterns, and extensions. These include a guarding type, tracking observable collection, command mediator, poller, and finite state machine.
LeadPipe.Net is an open source collection of useful tools for .NET development. Read more about the ...
Utility .Net library for declarative collection handling. It provides a set of query methods, resembling the ones in LINQ, which operate on read-only observable lists and collections, instead of IEnumerable.
For queries that return a lot of data, a need emerges to consume the results in chunks rather than the entire set. Consuming all results at once can be costly in terms of network traffic thus slowing down your application.
Linq Paginator allows you to run your queries and return your data in for...
CB.System.Net is a collection of networking classes to solve frequently occurring problems.
Reusable utility and class library for .NET Framework 4.8 - Featuring:.
This project provides an observable collection that is fed from an async enumerable.
DequeNET (pronounced Deck Net) provides a concurrent lock-free deque C# implementation. A deque, or double-ended queue, is a data structure that allows insertion and removal of items on both ends. ConcurrentDeque<T> supports 6 operations in constant time O(1): PushRight, PopRight, PeekRight, PushLef...
Custom collection, list types and helpers for JB.Common.Collections based on RX.Net / ReactiveUI .