Top 20 NuGet chat Packages

An adapter for the Dotbot framework ( for Telegram. Powered by Telegram.Bot by Robin Muller.
An adapter for the Dotbot framework ( for Discord. Powered by Discord.Net by 'RogueException'.
custom nlog target for telegram
ChatLe repository implementation for Identity framework and firebase
An unofficial library for interacting with Stack Exchange chat, and the API
Makes it easier to create Telegram and Discord bots
an stupid chat library with udp in lan
An easy to use drop-in framework providing user interface for taking pictures and videos and pick assets from Photo Library. User interface is designed to support inputView "keyboard - like" presentation for conversation user interfaces.
A Simple View that draws portions of a Circle depending on a number, just like what WhatsApp has done for Status
Xamarin.Android library to create bubble chat view easily.
Beautiful Chat components for C# Windows forms including Chat User, Chat Header, Chat Bubbles, TypingBox, SearchBox and BeautyForm
Plugin OpenTok para Xamarin.Forms