Top 20 NuGet chat Packages

Extensible chat framework for systems with microservice architecture. Common security rules.
This package contains core logic for the Telegram bot for HTTP web cameras.
Voice Natives for DSharpPlus.
C# client library for the YouTube streaming service: For more information, please see our project site:
MMBot package for executing powershell commands from scripts
File Brain for NBot
A Presence and Signaling SDK for .NET. It allows to connect multiple computers in a single conference over the Internet. A user can be part of multiple conferences at the same time as well.
**Deprecated. Please do not use.** A matrix client library in .NET.
Unofficial Mixer chat api
dotnet-encrypt. encrypt a file that can be read using ChatLe.Cryptography.Utility. Usage: encrypt {path to the file to encryp} {secret-key}
ChatLe repository implementation for Identity framework
MumbleSharp is a mumble protocol implementation in C#. For more info on Mumble please visit