Top 20 NuGet capgemini Packages

Provides a randomizer that is cryptographically secure. Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
Setup: on startup.cs: app-->IApplicationBuilder app.UseMiddleware(typeof(LogExceptionHandlingMiddleware)); LogConfiguration.ConfigureLog(strring ApplicationPath); Use the following configuration: "Log": { "File": { "LogFolder": "Logs", "LogFile": "log-{0}.txt" }, "Sqlit...
Provides an extension for PrincipalContext to impersonate a user.
Contains specialized Dictionary implementations, that are 4x faster than the .NET default Dictionary. Breaking changes in 3.1.x - See for more information.
devonfw Base classes to create unit tests and integration tests with Moq and xUnit
devonfw Extended controller to interact with JWT features
Adds ASP.NetCore methods and extensions to the Capgemini.SerializableResult NuGet
The Capgemini.Logger.ApplicationInsights NuGet has been created to facilitate testing of log statements whilst providing additional functionality specific to ApplicationInsights - e.g. the ability to log an Application Insights 'event' / pass almost any object to the Application Insights 'properties...
Common classes to extend controller functionality on API. Also provides support for paged results in OASP applications
SMTP Client for sending emails
SMTP Client for sending emails using Mailkit and Mimekit
Common classes to extend controller functionality on API. Also provides support for paged results in devonfw applications