Top 20 NuGet c-sharp Packages

Principal Component Analysis
Indepdendent Component Analysis
Dijstra and Astar Path Finding
Audio to Mel-Spectrogram Image for x64 Build
Decision Trees ID3 and C45
Apriori Association Rule Mining
Word Clustering implemented in .NET 4.6.1
Language Identifier implemented in .NET 4.6.1 based on N-Gram Language Model
Classicial Machine Translation such as IBM model 1 and IBM model 2 implemented in .NET 4.6.1
.NET toolkit that provides the utility functions for performing various tasks such as geocoding, reverse coding, country code translation, geo distance calculation, etc.
Collaborative Filtering Recommender
Simultaneous Localization And Mapping
Pattern Discovery Algorithms such as Apriori and FP-Growth
Tree Ensemble Algorithms such as TreeBagging and AdaBoosting
LibSVM Port in C# With Easy-to-use Models
Generalized Linear Model in .NET
Export BIM IFC files to SVG, IGES, OBJ, XML, DAE and so on
Utility methods for C#.Net cross platform application
VBulletin compatible BBCode-Parser for .NET Standard