Top 20 NuGet c# Packages

StyleMVVM.Conventions is the conventions library for StyleMVVM
A library for interacting with a network time server
Another library include extension methods focused on Persian .NET applications.
A C# Server side component for the popuplar jQuery datatables plugin
MVVM MicroMVVM fetches the exportable ViewModels found within an application and attaches each ViewModel to the corresponding View. Inversion of Control MicroMVVM leverages the Dependency Injection pattern, the framework fetches Transient and Singleton exportable services and injects these interfa...
Portable library to work with VK api
Plantyst SDK for API access.
CloudShare API C# SDK See documentation here:
Transitional package, you can remove and directly use nuget package ID R.NET.FSharp
A WPFLibrary thats makes creating WPF Project Easier Documentation will be released once the first version is complete.
Adds models and data layer to an MVC 5 Web Project
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework with EF6. Install this package for MyProject.Server.Domain.Edmx projekt if you target EF6.
T4 code generation templates for N-Tier Entity Framework with EF5. Install this package for MyProject.Server.Domain.Edmx projekt if you target EF5.
N-Tier Entity Framework Silverlight client base library.
EF6 provider for N-Tier Entity Framework.
EF4 provider for N-Tier Entity Framework.
N-Tier Entity Framework server base library.
Common base library N-Tier Entity Framework.
N-Tier Entity Framework client base library.